Gaeity and Kerry

I was going to post this thought as part of my last post, but then I realized it would be too harshly non sequitur.

Here’s what I want to know after watching last night’s debate and the various pundit discussions afterwards — How do actual homosexuals feel about what Kerry said in regard to Cheney’s daughter?

Pat Buchanan, Chris Matthews, that Scarborough pinhead whose first name escapes me, and someone else were all saying that they were shocked and outraged and whatnot that John Kerry so specifically mentioned Mary Cheney in his answer to how he felt about homosexuality. Apparently, it was invasive and terrible of him to have brought up her personal, private life. Not only that, but Mom Cheney is bullshit, so Kerry was wrong and bad.

From my straight, non-right leaning position, it didn’t seem so bad. I’m not one to think mentioning a person’s sexuality is particularly invasive of privacy.

I dont’ know, though, since it’s not an issue for me, swimming with the majority and all. Maybe it is invasive. Personally, I think the gay daughter thing may be the only think Dick and Lynn have going for them as members of the human race.

Talk with me. Please.

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