I’ve been taking a night school class at the neighborhood university. Neighborhood if you live in the heart of the military-industrial complex in the heart of Silicon Valley.
While attempting to think deep thoughts about countries fucked into violence by an abundance of petroleum gurgling under them, I had an epiphany. It’s pretty fucking easy to just get by. No one notices or cares really.
For a few meetings this week, I failed in my usual anal cycle of preparedness. You know, actually reading and reviewing the shit to be covered. Just didn’t make it in time.
Entered the meetings, sat my ass down and listened and nodded in a thoughtful-looking manner. Inside the skull plate, I just waited until I figured some shit out whilst listening and chimed in when the cloud of unpreparedness ebbed a bit.
Guess who noticed I was blowing smokerings from the assward orifice? Fucking no one.
The longer I live, the more I realize how much it just doesn’t matter. And, I suspect, no, I’m pretty fucking damn sure, everyone is doing the same fucking thing.
I’m pretty sure the professor is living my new realization. Clearly, he’s winging it.
And the chick in class who hasn’t heard of Darfur. What the fuck?
I can’t have children. I’d spend time ‘splainin’ it just doesn’t matter. Do shit you like, read what you like, learn what intersting to you, but for fuck’s sake don’t worry.
If the hypothetical child should miss a homework assignment, now I would know a shrug would suffice and it wouldn’t show up on the permenent record.