God, I got nothing

The world is shit.  I'm stressed at work (but this too shall pass).  I have a beau who's fun to tease and I got nothing to right about.

I'm taking it as a good sign that I left Boston, because Bill O'Reilly's been doing the Factor from there.   I'm a little disappointed that some of the right wing baiters I know from comedy haven't disrupted the proceedings.  Speaking of O'Reilly the Wall Street Journal or some shit that came through to me on a newsfeeder had a story about his calling himself a "T Warrior" and a "Culture Warrior."  Fucking douche extraordinaire.

He's traditional and cultural in the same way any fucking celebrity stands up for the little guy.  Where was the traditional culture that focused on screaming shit at someone and calling it discourse?  I missed that one in anthropology class.

Oh, and I'm definitely voting Hugo Chavez in the midterm elections.  Rock on, Hugo.  Who hasn't wanted to call Bush the devil in a public forum.

On a personal note, this is the kind of thing I get sent at work by the boy-o during an average day.   You know, some people send smilie faces and queer little ASCII roses. –<-@

It's a study that worries me on two fronts.  One issue is that Asians live long time.  Long time.  Somedays, I really like M. and other L. words.  But, man, I want term limits.  A good thing about being a chick in general is you tend to outlive the guy.  But, me, I gotta get a completely fit, zen motherfucker, insert your racist rice-eating slur here.

Not only that, but the second issue is that by the looks of the pretty colored picture maps ('cause I don't have time for actually reading), it looks like if I had stayed in the land of the bean and cod, I'd be living for awhile.  The Mass. Bay to the Cali Bay Area color shift says I'm going to die.

He clearly invited me out here so my life expectancy would dwindle.

Oh, by the way, related to my racial slurring of my SO, I had a weird moment of racist/non-racist awareness last week.  For the folks reading in Mass. or the UK, you really can't grok the melting pot that Cali is.  It's the Golden State, because lots of people tan well.

So, where I work someone was showing off their incredibly adorable grandkid.  Really good looking baby.  The parents don't hale from the same clan or continent, if you catch my drift.  

In a stunningly risky moment of potential cultural ignorancy and insensitive, I say something about mixed race babies and their cuteness.  D'oh.  I say it to a woman from Mexico and another born in South Asia.

I either intro'd or backpedaled an awkward cover to address the potential loaded dice I could have possibly rolled in this the politically correct Bay Area.  Inside my head, as the words came out in slow motion, I thought "Jesus Christ, I sound like my mother, I'm channeling Pat and her opinions on colors and babies and the world, what the hell am I saying."

The woman who was born in Northern India of India parents launched in about what her mother would say.  Her mother sounded exactly like my mother, as it turns out, talking about how if you stay in the same village idiots and ugly people evolve and sometimes you need to freshen the gene pool with outsiders, and that mixed race babies are the cutest.

What the fuck?  Pat's parochialism ain't no thang it turns out.  Either all moms is the same and cool, all commenting on the same shit, because that's what moms do.  Doesn't matter skin color or vicinity.  Or all moms are rottenly Klannish, even with skin color and vicinity.

I'm feeling all sunshiney and hopefull for humanity so I'll pick the moms are alright. 

2 thoughts on “God, I got nothing

  1. Holland Wilde

    Cheer up. The Median Nipple guy still loves you… even though you split to CA, and I split to CA (Canada).


  2. Dee-Rob

    Hey Media Nipple guy,

    Good to hear from you. Everyone, Check out http://medianipple.blogspot.com.

    Out there in the wilds of the web, there’s some noise going on. Just takes a couple of folks and you have yourself a movement.


Talk with me. Please.

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