Got nothing in my head

Wasted a bit of the morning already and it ain’t even 11 a.m. I wasted time in what might be the worst possible way, reading a godawful boring chick’s weblog. When I started to get into some recent non-disclosed woes, she linked back to me and wrote about how she would never do such a thing. That’s how I found her and good for fucking her and her merry fucking life.

So periodically I check her ‘blog and feel superior. She really is that boring. She posts affirmations about happy thoughts and chocolate. She has a boyfriend. She cries a lot because of her weight. He gives her healthy snack foods instead of chips. He apparently listens to her whine and cry a lot and is loving and supportive. I hope she gives good head at least. Give her something to do besides eating. (By the way, she has pictures on her website, and she’s not fat. Apparently, just whiney.)

I think if you ‘blog about how many cries you had in a week at your boyfriend’s house, unless someone’s recently died or been maimed, you’re a weeping head case.

Speaking of boyfriend’s and weight, apparently once M. and I are together I can anticipate the Bataan death march into health and well-being. I told M. my Body Mass Index from yesterday’s physical. He immediately jumped into action on keeping me active. Them weight-conscious Chinese are tricky. And didn’t his people invent torture?

According to him, I once told him he could kill me if I became obese. Kill? Hmmm. I don’t remember that exactly.

I don’t think I’ll tell him that the one absolutely tried and true method of weight loss for me has been getting my assed dumped horrifically by some guy. Nothing like going down in a blazing glory of asshole-induced, self-esteem-buckling body blows to keep me good and depressed and away from snacking.