I’m back. Back in sunshine. Back in a job where today’s unscheduled meal was a back patio barbecue. Back with a man who bought me a present just for coming back.
But, it was fucking weird being back in Boston. Being back with friends. Being back in a couple old places where I’ve done comedy and doing it again. Back in the scene.
Is home where you are now or where you spent most of your time and drank the most tequila?
I wish it was all perfect and swell. But, it’s not. Sometimes a relationship is more confusing and painful than the time spent being alone. Mostly, the future seems bright and unlike in fucking reiny shit dark gray Cambridge, I do need to wear shades here. Wish I had a crystall ball though. And, a frictionless universe.
Yeah. . .Well. . I was glad to see you ! I believe home is where the heart is. Where is your heart ? “Home” is also where you hang your frictionless hat
It’s hard to leave Boston. They drill that “Hub of the universe” crap into you from an early age.
Also the people are kinda different here than anywhere else. Lotsa sarcasm and cynicism and such.
Kind of the polar opposite of where you are now.
For all it’s shortcomings, it is a decent place to live and that said the simple answer to your question is, “dunno.”
Your issues are probably textbook for anyone going back to their hometown for the first time.
Did I do the right thing? This relationship seems really good. How can I get out of it?
Ah, the old standards. But I would still defer to the “dunno” theory. Yep, that little gem has worked for me my whole life.