The End Times really should be upon us. An African American man has the keys to the Massachusetts Governor’s office. A chick, a fucking liberal, probably some kind of lesbian-loving, San Fucking Francisco chick no less, is in charge of the House of Representatives.
It’s goddamn historic. It’s also just the kind of thang to make the evangelists and conservatives look up to see if the sky ain’t falling.
For all I know, the good’uns have been sucked up in the Rapture, and I’m writing this from the heathenous bowels of a world of Left Behind losers.
But, Harriet Meiers resigned while “our team” ascended. Maybe the world has already ended, but I see a slight puppy-loving rainbow of hope.
My inaugural address at the Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead, after I have raptured out billions!
Read My Inaugural Address
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Your jaw will drop!