I went to the movies last night and went to bed pissed off at my compadres in liberalism . I saw Who Killed the Electric Car?
I dunno, maybe I’m cranky.
Maybe I’m obsessed with this guy. I met the Media Nipple dude at the Beyond Broadcast Conference at Harvard, and I was completely refreshed. He was a kook and a crank and the perfect foil (and antidote) to all of the self-congratulatory intellectual masturbation of the sweethearts of the “blogosphere.”
Maybe I was reminded of the Media Nipple guy because of this thread on the bad place. The bad place is now so chockful of splooge from newbies and wannabees and a bunch of folks I never met that have no apparent gift for visual, written or spoken communication.
The point is in a multi-media world, visuals matter. I’m angry at the electric car flick for forgetting that and making a standard, boring, preachy and completely uncompelling and unsatisfying documentary.
Al Gore got it right in An Inconvenient Truth. You watch what is essentially his slide show, and it works. A movie of a dude doing a slide show. That’s it.
But, in the electric car flick, they could have had good visuals. They could have had the Hollywood faces in love with their EV1s doing what they do and performing. Instead it was static, old-fashioned and for fuck’s sake, if the movie is about cars, and people who loved their cars, why couldn’t you get some interesting shots?