Heart palpations

One of my work colleagues was a teenage actor on a not unknown sitcom in the ’80s.  Another co-worker mentioned traveling, being in a hotel room and hearing this guy’s voice as she got out of the shower.


This let to a conversation about “Googling” at work.  Which instantly led someone to jump to their keyboard and search out yours truly.  In order to fix one thing in my new design, I had turned off my banning of the workplace ‘puters.


Cleverly, there is no mention of my actual name on this front page.  Although, a bit of digging could have uncovered me.  She got to this very page, did a page search for my name and got nada, a goose egg, nought but text and pretty pictures.

Sigh.  I survived.  She moved on, concluding it was an aged item in Google land.
Thank fucking Christ in heaven or Texas, wherever he lives.  Either place, your average web looker has a nano gnat-sized attention span, and my secret identity is safe.

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