I like to work up myself up to a hand-wring lather for abso-fucking-lutely no reason.
I went to bed last night restless, nervous. I was worried about my Mandarin class and the show I was doing tonight, for both of which I was unprepared. But, guess what, I made it to both, figured some stuff out right beforehand and no problems. I even started working out some new shit that went just fine.
I also worried about what M. would eat for dinner, because I was going straight to the place with the show. Guess what, he ate.
Whatever, right?
This all tells me I should relax and enjoy life. Will I? Probably not. But, for one brief infintesimally small minute I’ll consider the possibilities.
Neuroses is the plural form of neurosis. Does that mean you have more than one? 🙂