I am what's wrong with the Democrats

As the capture of Saddam brings more certainty that the Democrats will fail and GW will get a second term, in my depression I think.

In life I generally try to hear the other guy out, even when I think someone is wrong and stupid, and I am generally cordial to folks. In comedy circles, I will stand around talking with people who make me crazy or miserable, because to walk away seems rude. I try to not step on many toes, and I don’t ever want to climb on the back of someone else to succeed. And, sometimes I believe, even when experience proves otherwise, that pearls of wisdom may drop from unlikely lips.

Consequently, I am sometimes perceived as soft or not as serious as others or I get shouted over by people more forceful in fronting their own agendas. And, even when I have expertise, lesser mortals opine to me as equals, because I let them.

I am a weak intellectual who has to compulsively hear all sides and is as critical of myself as I am of others (if not more self-critical).

In short, I am a Democrat in the new millenium.

While we are discussing and evaluating and reading and blogging and generally jerking off anyone who asks politely, GW is blowing shit up. Blowing shit up is a far more interesting and compelling way to get attention. Capturing bad guys, blowing shit up, getting things done, using active verbs that scream out “Hey, look the fuck over here, I’m doing shit. Important shit.” That’s what will win. Self-promotion beats out quiet reflection in a marketplace with many voices.

Duh, right? Of course, people will listen to the only voice they can hear clearly.

Democrats generally and I specifically need to toughen the fuck up. What good are noble and lofty dreams when reality is trench warfare?

The Rambo Dee-Rob takes names and doesn’t take shit. Fuck with me, and I will tell you why you are pedestrian, banal, far from the coddled golden child that sucked on it’s mother’s teat of praise and support. I am poised to conquer your feeble world.

Or, I’ll just write a blog entry. That’s tough isn’t it?

Talk with me. Please.

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