It smells like napalm.
Fiscally speaking, here in my office, it’s apocalypse now. The new
Here’s a fun little implementation management conundrum: When do you allow the end users to review and test the data in the system, and what do you do with the results?
One possible answer is not a day or so before you go live and absolutely nothing.
In a timeframe impossibly short for any results of testing to be managed and problems solved or changes implemented, we, the actual unwashed and slightly dazed end users, got to take a peek on Thursday and Friday of last week. I discovered that I lacked access to areas crucial in performing my humdrum little tasks. Today, we are live, and, quelle suprise, I lack access to areas crucial in performing my humdrum little tasks.
So, testing was an elaborate cock tease, and I will not be busting my productivity nut any time soon.
(I can’t believe that sentence just came from my fingertips. I should at least work on some gyno-centric inappropriate imagery.)