I loves the interwebs

A top of the day and a tip of my hat to Roger. Roger, sitting somewhere off in the fine state of Alaska that’s on my short list of places to visit before I die, did a google.com images search and unfortunately for him discovered one of my photos, labeled by me, a certifiable moron.

I love taking shots of nature thingies, like crawling, flying, creeping, walking, trotting, scampering things. I thumb through field guides and search shit on the internet. But, California and the west are like foreign countries. I just don’t know the flora, fauna or even the fucking language. (Although, I love the expression “hella,” which the natives say.) Between my eyesight and ignorance, I real should just say “bunny” or “ruminant,” because I just don’t know what shit is.

Enter Roger and his unsatisfying search. He ended up here on this dark hole of a website. His comment:

Those are NOT condors. They are Turkey Vultures.

I stand duly corrected and edified. And, sadly, I must say I’m chuckling to myself. Is it me, or does he sound angry? I sure as hell hope he’s a teacher or parent to set things right.

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One thought on “I loves the interwebs

  1. evad

    look if you want em to be condors theys condors
    fuck roger what does he know
    was he there was he fuck

    he was probably writing to the paper about the lack of parental control in the yooof of today

    have a good n


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