I think we're alone now

Of course, when Tiffany rocked the suburban shopping malls back in the day, she wasn’t talking about being alone.

I am.

Yeah, the boy-0 is thousands of miles above terra firma on route to a speaking gig. One of the ironies of our relationship back in Beantown was the number of folks who met him and thought he was all strong and silent-type-ish. The quiet men don’t typically whore themselves for the limelight.

But, yeah, stand-up comics whore themselves harder.

Tomorrow or Tuesday, there will be this where harmonic convergence moment when the boss lady and the man will both be way the fuck out of town at conferences, and I will not be asked any questions or help with nothing or nothing. Sweet.

Shortly thereafter, I will feel empty and not needed and will need to mark my flesh with small cuts in order to feel again. Or, I’ll have a nice cup of tea and relax.

Talk with me. Please.

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