I was just thinking…

THANK GOD! I am actually sane and not a threat to anyone. Thank fucking god. Because otherwise this free time, the anger and the isolation, would be soul crushing. Nothing like getting a reminder to value your own mental health.

I have family and friends and a pretty cool “hobby,” all of which give me a lot of great positive feedback and support. I had a fun time at the Comedy Studio last night, which isn’t always the case. I laughed at the other comics, and I got a pretty fine response from the audience my own bad self. I got M. checking in on me, 24-7, and then acting like I don’t notice. My family, who together possess awesome levels of experience and knowledge, have been great in reminding me what’s important and right.

And who knew there was such a variety of under employed, unemployed, differently employed and regular employed all looking for an excuse to ditch and go to the museum or movies or drink beer?

These are the things that have kept me sane enough to work long hours at a high level of compentency and just give a shit in general. These are also the things that remind me about what is real and important in this little life and to keep on plugging. Too bad there weren’t more people like the collective “us” running the show.

So, thanks to everyone who watches my back. And, thanks to all of the folks who have commented or emailed or posted on their own sites, because through the vast power of the Internet they heard about me, even the ones who disagree. Because, hey, getting ideas out there, creating new characters, starting new chains and talking them through is the whole point. There are a whole lot of writers out there on the ‘net, which is pretty fucking cool. (You gotta love the symmetry of the Internet and Googling being both my undoing and my grace, don’t you think?)

Talk with me. Please.

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