I will blame Bush

At work there were free flu shots. I spent the day going back and
forth in my head as to whether to snag one, since I am not really
exposed to children or the elderly or anyone else weak in the line of
disease fire.

(In my racist soul, I would argue living with the third-world spawned
boy-o is a risk, but after 20 or so years, he’s probably clean.)

Then, GW made a speech about pandemics, so I thought "fuck it."
Wouldn’t we all be better off doing the opposite of whatever genius he

But it was free and easy. Just a few steps to a conference room in
the same vicinity as my little cube. And, what the hell, when we go
to Malaysia, it will be one last thing to worry about. (Except, of
course, for the avian flu that is going to kill us all, just like SARS

If I get sick this winter, though, the fault will rest squarely on the
shoulders of GWB. His speechifying confused me.

Talk with me. Please.

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