I'd like to think I'm a nice person

Clearly, I am a worthless piece of shit or incredibly dumb and lazy. I had a few half-way decent ideas boiling in my head tonight. Stuff I could right, you know, you dig, can you imagine me actually trying to write, right.

But, no, I avoided that until now, and now I have shame.

I could have written about my first local election. The booklet the county mailed had maybe 4 pages of instructions on how to vote with the newfangled voting technology, and it had one page on the actual voteable stuff. (By the way, the election site for my newly adopted county has the awe-inspiring URL of http://www.shapethefuture.org/. Not the least bit corny, no, not at all.) I only wish I could embed this video here. Remember when a black Sharpie and coloring were the only skills and equipment you would need?

Marker Fine Black

For all the technology, we voted on exactly two things. Who we wanted on the Fire Protection District board and whether the spending limit on how much the fire district folks could get. I’d be lying if I claimed anything but that I don’t fucking know what a fire district is. I’m pretty sure it has to do with the bright red trucks with the sirens.

One lonesome idea I’ve been meaning to talk about is my hankering to head to an open mike. I performed in August at the Edinburgh Fest, and I’m thinking it’s time to head back to performing. At least up until it makes me want to cry again.

I also could have cobbled together a couple of thoughts on “new media,” old media, performance, art and the writers’ strike. Fucking hell, I’m so plugged in these days, I actually took a seat at a table meeting with Youtube.com folks about their new channels. I’m that fucking hip.

If I could get it up, I might even take some potshots at these assclowns, who are kind of self-annointed comedy experts. I became aware of them through one of the unfunnier, more sycophantic people I met in the Boston scene, who did some writing on the early site. I caught half the core staff doing the standup thing at a fest in a show we both did. Hmm, the least said, the better.

With time and inclination, maybe I’ll write about what a lot of comics, including those linked above, don’t seem to get when they throw out the new face and the new media and the new world order.

So, yeah, some half-assed shit ideas. I could have written. I might even have reviewed the movie American Gangster. Short take — Good, but Ridley could use an editor and a soupcon less self-indulgence.

Instead, I killed brain cells and time passed. I got caught up in a horrible phenom of the “new media,” reaction videos on Youtube.com from 2 girls 1 cup. The reaction are enough, don’t, I repeat, don’t ever try to find the original. I got through 10 seconds of, I think, 80 seconds total and bailed with the horror of humanity.

But, the reaction videos are an interesting flow. People are fucked up. And, they are quite multi-faceted in their ceaseless variations on amusing themselves.

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