I'll try to keep this brief and with the holy ghost between us

I’m writing this from the new ‘puter, bargain shopped with the help of a neighborhood Apple engineer.  It’s like a giant, cuddly iPod, all shiny and white.

More importantly, this is our president.  The fucking president of these United States.Bush-Merkel

How creeped out does Angela Merkel look?

So, let’s say you are a famously Christian dude (aka GW), and you meet a famously Christian grown-up woman, the leader of a developed nation and who hails from the turnaround region of your capitalistic, democratic wet dreams.  What do you do?

Cop a feel.  Of fucking course.

It’s 2006, buddy, read the Whitehouse/G8 Summit HR handbook on harrassment.  For fuck’s sake.

 Video is here, courtesy of Crooks and Liars.

6 thoughts on “I'll try to keep this brief and with the holy ghost between us

  1. dvae see its spelt wrong

    it could be worse he could have been caught with our tone felching him like the lap dog he is

    still bring on the great antisematic conspiracy
    the jews run the media
    so what should be a minor incedent is plastered round the world as one of the great injustices of the modern age and the poor lebanese get all the blame
    i personaly do not give a flying fuck about the isrealis
    little problems may they all get what they truly deserve

  2. Freemblap

    Call me old school, but I was taught that when a women says “no” she really means “yes.”

    What the fuck did she expect dressed like that and walking into a G-8 summit full of men.


    Get your signals straight ladies.


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