Two things I have to pick up on — Writing here and hitting the gym.
M. thinks I may have lost some weight in Uganda. In fact, he’s been brainstorming the new ultimate in U.S. travel, tapping into weight loss and spa treatments. The trip plan is you head off to the developing country, get fed developing portions of sub-nourishing foods, steam up in the tropical heat and voila, instant weight loss and exotic travel bragging rights.
Me, I’m still convinced a bunch of parasites have taken up residence in me, their charming new host organism. An on again off again headache and knowledge that I swallowed a heaping helping of schisto-laden Nile have kept me guessing. Sure, I’m probably just a hypochondriacal freak. But, a tapeworm might do me some good for a little while. Not the liver flukes, mind you, just a nice clean, slimming worm.
The six-vial, one sheet and a small tube stool collection kit handed to me at the HMO lab is psyching out my desire to get a full, clean bill of health. It’s complicated like a badly planned science fair exhibit. I long for the olden days of medicine, when you probably could just poop in Dr. Welby’s hand and he’d take it from there.
But, failing disease, I probably should work out a bit. According to some guidelines I saw while hanging at the doctor’s office to get some delicious Cipro, I’m probably at a coefficient of obese. Maybe I read it wrong, or maybe I’m huge. I can’t tell any more.
As for writing, I gotta say, on top of lazy, I’ve also had some ‘puter problems that I wasted some time not entirely solving. Minor, backup data stuff, but annoying nonetheless.
Worse, I have pissed away so much time on the foolish claims that are Larry Sinclair’s–I swear I blew Obama and them Black folks be all enjoying that crack cocaine–I feel a sickening sense of shame. One should not allow themselves to fall prey to such idle, idle, pointless raging. The counterpoint raging site is a better read, but still a horrible sinkhole of time wasting.
I’m going to lose my mind, my job, my home, my sanity if I read much more. Reading the Larry supporters is like reading stupid on steroids. Blend in good, olde-timey racism and some conspiracy-theory absurdity and you start questioning whether living is even a valid alternative. If these people were the majority, I’d probably cut my head off with a chainsaw, such would be my hopelessness.
The upside is I’m back to the western world where our well-fed bellies can help our brains construct great big heaps of stupid crazy, because we can. I think that’s my biggest life lesson at the moment as I read complete bullshit on the internet. We here in the U.S. have ample time to make shit up and feud over dumb stuff. We have so much time and the resources, we can fuck around with total strangers we will never lay eyes on and flame away on websites, blogs, and bulletin boards.
A lot of places in the world would much rather use that energy on something constructive. Like acquiring a sandwich.
By the way, I’m posting more pictures over here: The stuff that has actual people that touch upon my professional life are in some of those shots. No need to drag them over here (see notes above about stupid internet).
Over here, insult me, swear, fuck around, I don’t care. But in the places where my actual getting paid and shit matter and innocent people (who I like) are involved, please shut the fuck up.
Technorati Tags: Africa, Americans, campaign, Politics, primaries, self-esteem, work, worry, writing