I’m not sure, but I may have just become my mother. Isn’t that one of the greatest fears of any daughter?
Normally, I’m quite competent with technology. But, a little while ago, I made a mess of some conference calling. First sending people to a line already in use, and then being unable to conference everyone from my line.
Part of the issue was the boss waiting for me to get it right and at first virtually on her cell phone and then in person as she walked through the door. She was talking, and I was pressing buttons and anticipated responses were not happening.
In those few moments, I was possessed by Pat as panic rose and confusion mounted. I only wanted to scream,
“Quiet down and let me get my bearings!”
The chaos, the news and the frustration of being close to a solution, but being nagged when I needed all brain cells on deck, and in that flash, I channelled Pat. Her voice was in my head.