I haven’t felt this giddy since Renquist went into permanent, lifetime (make that anti-lifetime) retirement. Karl Rove handed some new job responsibilities and Scott McClellan looking fior the next gig. Awesome.
Sadly, Rove still walks the earth and the halls of power. That is what keeps me agnostic on the old I.D. in the sky benevolenting smiling down and ak
Sorry to deviate here, but I just caught the end of Chelsea Handler’s show on E!
Didn’t the people at E! ever hear of Girls Behaving Badly? WTF?!! How does this woman remain on tv? Is it the blond hair? The Large boobythingslookatme? It sure as shit ain’t her comedy.
Shouldn’t she be one of those washed up commentators on those VH1 “remembering 1980 whatever” shows.
You know, they make mock serious comments like, “Mr T’s attitude stemmed from his unusual and tragic case of reverse male pattern baldness.”
Then they sit back thinking, “Yeah. That killed. I look cool.”
Yecchhh! Wanda Sykes is almost funny next to this woman.
Sorry to have to vent. I will not be okay.
whats realy funny with the world is they can find me and fine me £60 for a quick nip into a bus lane amongst 60 million others but they cant find osma binbags after spending £350 billion searching
go on George do the right thing just once you see that lil red button go on
just push the fucker
one lil dab of the finger and all the middle east problems will evaporate
go on i dare you push it
all you have to say about Israel is sorry you guys friendly fire shit happens you know ill make it up to you sorry
oh you have done that one
Freemblap, this weblog is about me. Look at me. I’m funny. I’m calling out for attention here. We shall not mention popular flavors du jour that are not me.
What do you think of me? — I have those boobythings you mention and tell jokes.
I admit to hating “Girls Behaving Badly.” I met one of the chicks, though, at a comedy show. Aggressively show business through and through. Hi, I’m here to network and do what I got to do to see myself on TV. Strident does not equal funny.
Nah, let’s just focus this discussion. I’m talking Karl Fucking Satan Rove here and Scott I’m just saying what they tell me to McClellan. The bad guys are on the ropes, the end times are nigh.
And, dave, dear sweet, seriously were you dropped on your head during childbirth, dave, what the fuck?
I’m pretty sure if the war’s not like, um, a good thing, going nukular would be worse. Nuclear bombs are bad, can we agree on that?
Yes, you are right and I apologize again for the deviation and for not acknowledging your man beacons.
I get worked up over the stoopidest shit sometimes. Is it bitterness or perhaps penis envy?
I don’t know and you don’t care.
Anyway, my next post will pertain to the blog of topic. I’m such a fucking dvae.
hmmmm so the fact you have tits makes a diffrence
sorry i just thought they came with the gender
i didnt realise they affected how funny you were
so tell me is it size or amusing nipple length or lobsidedness
go on spill the beanz
and im all for nuclear reactions in the right place ie the sun
do try spot when im being sarcastic
shall i put a secret sigh like a booby icon around the bits perhaps
anyroad you started it with the gun thing
bombs n guns dont kill people people kill people
Tits actually make you hysterical. Even the word is funny. By the by, bombs and guns don’t kill people… people with bombs and guns kill people. Lock and load y’all.
I always liked the word tits.
Anyway, I must confess. Often I read Dave’s comments and wonder if he is as they say “developmentally disabled.” In short, Dave are you fucking retarded or what?
I can buy the lack of spelling, but sometimes you just seem painfully dense. And, seriously creepy to boot.
Do you have friends and such?
Here’s a few thoughts bolstering the retard case
— I mentioned guns, sure. But, I never, ever suggested I was pro-guns. Not at all. Yet, you keep up the whole rhetoric like I’m armed and digging it,
— Freemblap mentions breasts, and you get downright disturbing. I don’t give a flying fuck at all about what you may or may not have noticed in individual breasts and no one asked you to go to town speculating on mine. Creepy, dude. Seriously.
–The file upload of my video is large, so that there wouldn’t be a degradation in quality. About 10 people I know were able to see the vid from the link, and at last count about 100+ strangers have downloaded it from the site. I suspect your Ritalin doesn’t slow you down long enough for the download to complete before you flip to another website. Or, Brit broadband is on par with Brit dentistry. But, yeah, keep saying it’s me, I promise I won’t think you’re a moron.
Dave, man, slow down and think what you’re typing. You found me, so I see some possibility for redemption in you.