Internet makes you stupid

I totally get that people have completely different skill sets, and computers ain’t the be all and all of ease and sense for a lot of folks. But, still and all, I get emails that just make me want to thunk myself hard on a desk-type surface or the palm of my hand and groan a “D’Oh.”

So, being as I took a class or two at the community college (as in it gots it’s own zip code community), I’ve been added to their email list serve. They send out something like this today:

With just five days left to register, Winter Courses are filling up quickly. But there is still time to sign up for one of the 100+ courses and events offered this quarter.

Here are just a few courses that may interest you (click on the links below to search for even more open classes):

Liberal Arts and Science
– Artsy Fartsy and Smarty Pants class listing

The Writer’s Studio
– Ideas for that desperate cry for help and stuff

Professional and Personal Development
– Money, who doesn’t love to get it, here’s how.

Public Programs and Special Events
– Public stuff and free, good times. In addition, mark your calendars for the following special events: Bach Birthday Bash, and Rumi: An 800th Birthday Celebration with Robert Bly.

To register for a course or an event, or to see a complete listing, visit our website…

It ended like this:

To unsubscribe: You are receiving this newsletter because you indicated during registration that you would like to receive periodic information about Continuing Studies. If you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please send your name and email address to: and type “Unsubscribe” in the subject line. We will remove you from our email distribution list.

OK, so here’s some basic shit we learned. There are over a 100 classes, woohoo, and that’s so many they ain’t listing them all, but hey it’s 2007 so there’s like a website thingie. Something called “clicking” will show you more, and you could sign up with the clicking. And, apparently there’s some kind of email magical robot power where you can “unsubscribe.”

So, imagine my surprise when I (and countless others) minutes later get this email:

I haven’t had calculus,but I am interested in the course relating to
the TV series Numb3rs, is it sitll available, and if so would you ask
the teacher if i could take the class; the highest math i had (30
years ago) was trigonometry and matrix algebra. Thanks, Marcia

Marcia missed a few clues, and clearly doesn’t understand how listserves work. That’s cool, I understand, I empathize, but, um, maybe she could have tried clicking instead of replying.

(Parenthetically, the course description apres said click says:

This is not a course for those who want to improve their math skills. Instead, it is designed to look at a new and expanding application of mathematics in society.

Prerequisite: A mathematics education up through calculus will be required in order to fully appreciate the course material.

Leading me to believe that it’s up to the taker if they get to “fully appreciate the course,” but there won’t be any pop quizzes. And, the course is still open. Marcia, Marcia, Marcia.)

I’m probably not total dick enough to make fun of Marcia alone. I do dig her computer skills may not be fab, and with algebra 30 years in the past, she’s likely a bit further past prime than I am. And, I feels for us old ladies and aging math ability.

Nope, what gots my goat was the follow-up emails. Can it, people. Seriously, you get a stupid email don’t reply. If you get a reply to a stupid email, don’t reply. If you see someone else replying to a stupid email and a reply, don’t reply. And so on.

Is this train of emails necessary?

Please remove those of us who rec. the “reply all” answers…
Please! TMcE

Somehow this appeared on my e-mail.
Dr. Howard

Sorry I don’t know how this message got to me but it shouldn’t.
I’m a student and there is something wrong here!

Please check who this person is and why she got my email and please let me



Please remove me too. I don’t even live in your state!

I’ll second that.



Talk with me. Please.

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