I went to work with a smile. A smile born of a blow for democracy, truth, the Constitution and the American fucking Way.
Then, I got into work and the buzz was about the upcoming Bush speech/press conference. Alrighty then, I fired up the audio on this here ‘puter and got ready to listen in to the little monkey boy and leader of the free world.
What ho, though, before the speech began, scary old man, Defense Secretary Rummy, ready to cut and run. Awesome.
My favorite quote from the press conference:
It might be treasonous, but to our enemies, I’m pretty damn joyful my own bad self. And, that thing about will and bringing you to justice, maybe we’re all clarifying a bit on who’s our enemy. Friends, OK, ‘cept you heartless terrorist motherfuckers?
Around lunch I had the proverbial chery on my ice cream soda of politic joy. Lunch included BREAD PUDDING. I loves me some bread pudding.