Keeping it light

After paying an assload to our government, I ain’t feel too political and shouty. Besides, a couple of the people from the Catholic board of terror, Mark and Joanne, rose above the rest and sent me personal notes. There’s no sport to be had in railing against good, kind folks, and I’m not so narrow as to hate anyone purely for having a different viewpoint.

To keep up the good fight, though, here’s a link to keep the dialogue out there. Ellen Goodman commenting on the extreme panty twist of the church over when and how Kerry takes communion. (And, yes, I do understand (as I suspect Ellen does as well) the central importance of the sacrament of the Eucharist to the Catholic faith. Maybe it’s an easy call for some in the church, but ranking on one of your own (I’d link some examples here, but I’ve learned my lesson, feel free to Google) and using sacraments as a weapon are actions with consequences, as well). Radical conservatism is creeping everywhere, and it’s a-gonna gitch you if you don’t watch out.

By the way I’ve gotten a few more pro-moving to California votes since the jump in Catholic readership here. Do you think they’re looking to get me the hell out of Dodge?

Here’s the important reason for my writing before going to bed, though — Tax Day is essentially the one year anniversary of my hanging with M. He’s a very special person, with whom I am quite pleased to have made his acquaintance.

Yeah, that was a rigid and painfully constructed way to say I dig the guy. He’s funny and goofy and hella cute, what’s not to like? And cherry on the sundae of it all, he listens to me and reads these little mutterings.

Happy Dee-Rob and M. Day!

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