Almost maybe kind of sort of, I’m starting to settle in…or it’s the wine.
We had the first ever BBQ, and it’s almost over. I’m cracking up at the mix of young and not so young, and the wacky kids M. knows from his old apartment. The older folks and my friends (I invited four and had a 50% success rate of invitees showing up) drank and all. The young folks not so much. Weird.
The introduction of some Humboldt bud, a substance of which I no longer can take part, was my California moment. Somehow, it’s wine and reefer and surf songs to me.
The difference between planning a party on my own and with M. is the ratio of meat to booze, budgetwise. My party, the meat budget was low (and I was all set for any vegans or vegetarians wondering by), but I had booze, wine and beer in abundance. In M.’s world, it was the opposite. Our neighbor came by with some red wine, and other people brought a couple beverages, so all was fine.
Unemployed and with a buzz on, I guess is my new West Coast lifestyle.