Kind of sort of politics

Last night, as is the custom when M. has finished dinner and cozies up to the TV, we were watching Fox or MSNBC or CNN or something newsy, and the story is about GW visiting Tbilisi, Georgia. (I swear that man looked at his approval ratings and asked around on what would be “historic” for him to do as president.)

So, the Georgians getting their democratic freak on are put on a whole big show, including dancing. After the dancing is concluded and GW is about to say a couple of words, I swear to fucking god he did an embarassing butt wiggle, hip shimmy thang, while applauding the actual dancers. It was goddamn painful to watch and think of this guy as the leader of the free, fucking world.

It was the kind of dance M. does in the privacy of our own home to embarrass us both and elicit laughter. Only, good old George wasn’t at home and was being broadcast worldwide. I look at that stuff, and I am fascinated, almost mesmerized, by how this clown could have gotten so many votes. I mention mesmerizing, because the only explanation I can come up with is some kind of mass hypnosis or psychosis last November.

I couldn’t find any pictures or videos to link here (probably because the press secretary had any such images destroyed as a blight on American relations with the world). I guess this substitution will have to do.

Talk with me. Please.

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