Thought about checking out an open mike tonight. I did not. Too tired after being sick, too busy at work and too kind to subject M. to a Tuesday open mike the night before he start’s a new job.
I’ve been scratching the old headbone, meanwhile, trying to think of something astute to say about Al Gore’s speech yesterday suggesting that wiretapping all of the good peoples of the country mightn’t be all cherry, sunshine, rainbow wonderful even during a “war on terror.” And, you know, um, didn’t presidents already try keeping the mile long FBI files to ill effect?
Nothing to insightful to say here, apart from digging the quickness of Scott McClellan’s official name-calling of Gore as a hypocrite. I kind of miss the fun of Joe McCarthy, J. Edgar or Dick Nixon. At least they had cool catch phrases like peaceniks, unAmerican activities and pinkos.
Sure evildoers and hypocrites are clever tags, but they lack a certain modernity. Bush and crew are just too Bible-ish for me.
On the fun with domestic surveillance idea, though, I gotta be about one degree of separation from the NSA. Between the day job putting me in touch with those well-connected to some well-connected folks, foreign and domestic, and the stand-up comedy misfits I have known, I’m an email or weblog comment away from a very boring tick in a very non-terroristic file.
I’ll do my best to be an enemy of the state on some piece of paper until someone in charge remembers we have a Constitution in this here little “democracy.”
hmmmmmmmmm define democracy again
isnt that where the guy with the most votes wins oh too political
over react to terrorism
well you do that big time
makes ya wonder tho how with all this technology you cant fine one guy in an area in the north of a freindly country
when you can get joe smoe for speeding every day if you want to in any state you want
i think its as its always been the rich have oe law the rest have to be put down
oh and i hope M had a great day at his new job