I just haven’t felt so much like writing in the last few days. Mostly, it’s still shaking off a cold, I suspect, and a headache. And, maybe it’s the one degree of separation from a big-time act of crazy horror.
Then, there’s the nattering noise behind me in my office, which I suspect is also the source of the current rhinovirus. I tune in and out of the noise in my actually large, real wood, state of the art, ergonomic, comfy-like, but cube-nonetheless cube. With a cold and a headache I tend to get caught in the noise.
One thing I wish I could alter about the current workaday world would be the cube-farm. Some days, usually when the convo turns to banal complaints and misinformation about nutrition given the abundance of snack food in the office, I dream and yearn for a cone of silence.
From the news that used to be new, until bigger news broke, I still have one lingering question. How the hell does this man have a girlfriend, let alone one causing a scandal?
They say power is attractive to your Washington, DC chicks, but um, for me, not with a borrowed twat, as it were.
Strangely, every shot of the gal pal I could find on the web is the same profile.
I’m going to imagine the right half of her face is kind of like Two-Face in Batman. Otherwise, she could do better than this guy.
I’m mildly obsessed with the reverb coming from the national news about the Virgina Tech killer. There’s the news story, then the news story about the press coverage. Then there’s the analysis of the coverage and whether the coverage is covering the right or wrong things. Of course, then, there’s the speculation that media influenced the killer and whether media will now glorify his infamy.
Here’s the deal. I believe one thing to be true. There are crazy, fucking animals amongst us homo sapiens. It’s random, it’s sick, it’s unpredictable and sadly, every present. Life is random. Who’s batshit crazy AND homicidal isn’t known until the batshit crazy fucker kills someone. It just sucks.
And, for fuck’s sake, I wish the web and cable news commentary on the killer’s crappy writing would just stop. Writing crazy shit doesn’t equate with homicidal horror.