Leaving jet plane, etc.

Im sitting on a spanking new Virgin America plane getting ready to experience the richard branson- esque experience. But, of course, without Richard Branson, because hes a brit and this is a domestic flight and well foreigners and allthat in our domestic atmosphere.

So far, i’ve learned this morning thqt if your leave town for thw second tizmr in as many months, yiur life partner is a bit blase.

Ive also learned that civility isright dead and peopl suck. Very glad i was a witness not a participant in the checkin line scuffle. Seriously, more to come, because people suck but they are fubny.

Off to our nations seat of government for work. If there’s a news story in the next couple if days about a hippie-looking chick taking a dump on the Whitehouse lawn, it’s a coincidence.

Talk with me. Please.

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