Lest it seem like all fun and games, I still rage

I toil and sweat in a place that it quasi-academic. Or the halls are filled with the pitter patter of little academic feet from those career changing, shifting and developing of folks in and out and in again the hallowed, ivy halls. (Or is ivy halls just an East Coast image?)

In the hazy days of summer, as dry grass and trees blaze on hillsides and canyons around the state, the hallways of my personal salt mines burn with the enthusiasm of eager young minds. Summer interns, the best and the brightest, roam the building traveling individually and sometimes in packs. They inquire and engage and all sorts of other meaningful action words. They are a force. An army.

Mostly, they talk. In that talk, they talk about themselves. A lot. When, of course, they are not asking lots of questions and not waiting for the answers or interjecting what they cleverly surmise the answer would be. You know, because they are the best and the brightest. At least that’s what they have been told since the first time their mommies whiffed a fart, cleaned them up and powdered their asses. Better, faster, stronger. The elite. The swarm of the Millenials.

At the end of the day, I am left truly in awe. My stunned silence isn’t an intellectual unworthy awe. Nope. It’s a quieter, less grandiose reflection. It’s the quiet of confirming my central faith — No one in their 20s, save perhaps victims of enormous tragedy or armed combatants or youthful career criminals, have anything interesting to say.

Sadder than my bitterness and possession of this faith is my surety that were they gifted with time travel, among their countless gifts, their mature selves would likely hear them now and agree.

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4 thoughts on “Lest it seem like all fun and games, I still rage

  1. Ted

    Oh, the millenials. Can’t say something negative without Mommy and Daddy calling you. Hovering over everything. Worst prepared set of individuals to ever hit corporate America. Period. Ill equipped for personal goals and success, let alone a constructive comment that leaves them running to Mom and Dad. And Gen X are the slackers. Can’t wait until the Boomers are gone and they get a lesson in what is it to be a full time professionals. Maybe bike helmets and time outs were a stupid idea…

  2. evad

    OOO do bring on the academics
    thay who spend all there life molly coddled by the state
    who never work in the real world

    me i do what it says on the tin
    i only have one thought about managers coperate player ect
    in the great sceme of things shit rises
    them that can do ,the rest teach

    as for industry shit floats even higher
    ive never had a manager that could even get close to my thought process let alone out think me
    me i turn up do the job and take the money
    and i have a cool life style

    enjoy the rat race ted you will get fucked trust me
    so bend and spread them cheeks
    as for the young wannabees dont sweat the petty things and dont pet the sweaty things
    just smile and let it flow
    then hit em with the killer question
    are you sure you ealy meant what you just said ?
    as i find that a rather strange consept for the industry you are in
    it always panics them trust me

  3. dee-rob

    Dvae, I’m not sure what you all mean this time. Does this mean you are for the young, mollycoddled assholes?

    Seriously, in the world of desks and paperwork, the current crop of kids who have never actually done any work that could make you sweat or get yelled at are god-fucking-awful. In my universe, everyone in the workforce should have had to lift something heavy, clean a grease trap or serve some fucking irate asshole just to learn the way of the world. Even better if it’s done for the lowest legal dollar and the longest, shittiest shift.

  4. evad

    i agree but
    your average kiddy wink thinks you get your degree think your better than everyone else
    and can string a sentence together
    so you can talk the talk so they ar e hte high flyers
    trouble is most of the young generation y kids
    are a fuck up all they want to do is fly a desk or start a dot com co
    but me as one of the working class
    may never get the chance to be rich as im frowned upon coz im an electrician and work with my hands im practical
    just like your car mechanic i bet he’s half the cost ov a main dealer and good on you girl for trusting him
    but pay him what he wants and tip well and keep going back
    still come the revolution after the flu pandemic
    us practical bastards will survive could you find clean water or better still clean up water
    make a generator work dig a cess pit that functions
    after all everyone is only 4 days away from chaos
    bring it on i say
    me i would survive
    have bow
    have brain
    have attitude
    have experience

    shame i aint got a beer factory but hey ho
    onwards and upwards

    love n hugs


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