Lightness, sunshine and fucking rainbows, I guess

Lately, everything is just stressful shit here at the salt mines. But, today, a glimmer of hope, which undoubtedly will suck me into a vortex of despair, has flashed briefly. I’ve made a small dent in stuff due absolutely on June 1, so that brings a little light. The boss, who looked to be getting the mystery ailment that felled her for two months of whispering MIA weirdness a couple years back, looks to be recovering quickly. And, the thing I thought was sent to me and I promptly lost, which would have meant a whole lot of crow-eating, shit-eating, bowing and groveling, was in fact not sent at all.

And, why do I think I feel hope today? Because in the midst of just piled on crap heap after crap heap with two weeks featuring nights at the office as late as 11 p.m., I had an epiphanic moment. When impending failure in the work place is reaching a clanging crescendo of defeat, I reacted as one only can in those moments. I thought “FUCK IT” and went ahead and booked some plane tickets to California for Memorial Day weekend.

I worried, I wrung my hands, I obsessed on details, I sat motionless in my office unable to focus or decide on which burning pile of shit to extinguish first and surfed the Web. One credit card purchase of a mere $208.75, and my bags are all but packed.

I hope the fucking idiots in Accounting who are both culpable and among the tortured in the Demonware enterprise system shitstorm come looking for me on the whole two days I’ll be out of work. Yeah, assholes, here’s your paperwork, fly out here and get it. Better yet, just fuck off while I work on my relaxation West Coast style.

Talk with me. Please.

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