
Several ways in which my boyfriend is like the reincarnation of my mother (insert gratuitous (or tragic) Freud reference here):

  • Likes a nice slice of Spam, fried
  • Doesn’t say “Goodbye” at the end of a telephone conversation
  • Sometimes ends a phone conversation so abruptly I’m not sure it’s ended
  • Likes to give me backhanded compliments, followed by an explanation that it’s so my head doesn’t become big
  • Worries about how much vacation time I take from work (I’ve ended years with extra that has to be forfeited)
  • Thinks Building 19 is like a treasure hunt
  • Enjoys lying on the couch with a blanket and the TV tuned to all news all the time
  • Won’t relinquish control of the “clicker”
  • Marvels at the wonders of an all-you-can-eat Asian buffet
  • Encourages me to get ice cream at an all-you-can-eat Asian buffet
  • Gets a little nervous when you want to spend great big gobs of cash on a single meal (that isn’t an all-you-can-eat buffet)
  • Has little or no patience for people who don’t appreciate the value and necessity of voting
  • Occasionally gives me credit for being smarter than I actually am (shhhh, don’t tell)
  • Makes me laugh
  • Gets called “quiet” by other people (think closet gregariousness)
  • Talks with an accent (man, I miss my mother’s Boston-speak, she came up with stuff un-imitateable and irreproducible)
  • Wouldn’t get new glasses until far after the need was apparent
  • Will do without something for awhile in search of the perfect ratio of phenomenal bargain and satisfying purchase
  • Can’t understand why someone wouldn’t pay almost anything for a child’s education
  • Doesn’t really swear and tsks when I curse too much
  • Absolutely hates the word “shitfaced” (see above)
  • Hates beer
  • LOVES coffee (and can make a cup so strong it almost hurts)
  • Will save me the last piece of something shared or put some shrimp on my plate
  • OK, that’s enough. I’ve creeped myself out. Maybe tomorrow I should work on how they are different. (It’s really the phone thing, the Spam and the voting that had me thinking.)

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