Little bits of this and that

I had a whole elaborate post inside my head about sports and how un-sporty I am, but I never got around of moving it out to my fingertips and keyboard.

The gist is M. and I signed up for the softball team started by one of my fellow toilers. We played our first game on Monday. To say our team was not the best would be fully dulling the truth. We were sublimely not good. There’s a zen-like calm when you end up playing a game that wraps up at a 0 to 37. At least it wasn’t 40.

The thing for me is I don’t care at all. I understand how scoring works, and I get the fun of actually scoring. But, balls were hit and caught and thrown around. So, the game was still played.

Of course, the team that kept taking walks wile amassing the double digits clearly missed that little league moment when the coach taught you how to be a “good winner” and not humiliate the opposition needlessly.

I wonder what part of my brain doesn’t exist or wasn’t developed enough to get all do or die about the actual score. I do play hard, poorly but enthusiastically. And, I’m more than willing to throw myself into the dirt (which I did in an incredibly awkward play on second that landed me flat out on my belly clutching a grounder, while my feet stayed tagging the plate and earning the out). But, I just don’t give a crap about the score.

Amusingly that same day, my brother finished (at a fairly respectable 4 hours 18 minutes) his first Boston Marathon on a charity team that included Tedy Bruschi. We laughed at how little that particular brush with celebrity meant to him or would have meant to me, while at the same time we realized folks we know would have been off the charts excited.

Here’s a really crappy video commemorating the softball match. I bought a rather cheap pocket-sized video camera–one of the dealios that records to media and is kind of meant to post right up on Clearly, I haven’t worked it out and suck at using it right now.


In lighter news, I finally fucking got my Yellow Fever injection and can now leave the relative comfort of my Californian, low-disease-risk haven. All in all, I got five shots, polio, typhoid, tetanus, yellow fever, and hepatitis A. Somewhere in there, I think a concoction or two will boost my measles and whatnot. I might run to the pharmacy tomorrow for my anti-malaria pills.

With that level of invincibility coursing through my veins, I’m ready to make out with a chimp or walk barefoot in a major city.

I’ll be sending an email wit the identity (and matching and accounts) that I’ve set up for the voyage to Uganda. One person has given me the shout out to get the link. For others, let me know, or beware a mass email.

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One thought on “Little bits of this and that

  1. evad

    aww id be realy pissied if i didnt get a link
    just to laugh when u find the real africa
    it hit me real hard
    especialy the 12 year old girls thumbing a ride from the truckers after dark
    dont cringe it feeds the family


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