I haven’t been going to shows. I haven’t been doing shows. But, I have been doing some of the writing I am trying to do.
You can’t always turn off the part of the brain that looks for fun, fun, fun. I can’t just lay completely low.
So, with a couple other of chicks at work, we organized an after work happy hour. In and of itself an unremarkable event. Where I work, in the land of wonks and intellectuals and committed, earnest Californians and transplants, though, it was notable. They just ain’t natural partiers. Natural studiers, I’d say.
How do you hook the kids from study hall into going out for a post-work pop? Comedy, of course. A little group email with a chunk of satire, mimicking just the kind of emails and the jargon we all sup on, metaphorically, each and every day.
I’d add it here if I wasn’t scared of mixing work and my personal interwebs, and I though anyone reading this shit would get it.
Maybe a culture shift of more socializing. Or maybe a blip on the usually pretty staid collective radar screen. Time will tell.
Biggest thrill of all — I think the lords of karma rolling the universe around were particularly kind. The power went out about an hour maybe 45 minutes before go time in the building. Our computers were on an emergency generator, and thanks to shitloads of glass there was ambient light, but the mood shifted from work.
Without A/C there was really no reason to not got sit on an outside patio with a fruity drink.