I live with a madman. He doesn’t know it, or he gets frustrated when i mention it, but he has started something akin to the arms race in our household.
We had our birthdays. We gave each other gifts. I got a sweet, white Nano. I was happy.
The other day he says, he actually got me the set. Set? Set of what?
The set is its big brother, a 60 gig video iPod.
My mate is extravagant. On the one hand, my frugal New England heart says “Jesus, what are you doing? I’m not worth such excess and gift-giving.” On the other hand, SHIT YEAH, I gots me a new couple of toys. Rock on, Mr. Sweet Generous M.
The arms race, the nuclear proliferation is how to I equal his spirit with my paltry little trifling gifts.
dont Knock it girl as it might stop
this link seemed appropriate
again from the country that brings you tea and muffins
What ? He’s buying you presents AND he’s willing to have sex with you ? Sweet Jesus ! Maybe it’s Karma! Maybe you did something truly amazing in a previous life. Come on ! It’s your birthday ! Maybe he’s guilty he’s not buying you jewelry !!!!
What would life in the US of A be without excess. Greed is good, eh Gekko? Hated that qoute then…hate it now.
Anyway Dave, speaking of England, I’m still reeling from my failed UK toothpaste distribution deal. What was I thinking?
Perhaps my France-based, “I heart The USA” tee shirts franchise will take off.
I need investors for my New Delhi slaughter house.
I hear they got a lot of stray cows roaming the streets. Any takers?