Living with madness

nano I live with a madman. He doesn’t know it, or he gets frustrated when i mention it, but he has started something akin to the arms race in our household.

We had our birthdays. We gave each other gifts. I got a sweet, white Nano. I was happy.

The other day he says, he actually got me the set. Set? Set of what? ipod

The set is its big brother, a 60 gig video iPod.

My mate is extravagant. On the one hand, my frugal New England heart says “Jesus, what are you doing? I’m not worth such excess and gift-giving.” On the other hand, SHIT YEAH, I gots me a new couple of toys. Rock on, Mr. Sweet Generous M.

The arms race, the nuclear proliferation is how to I equal his spirit with my paltry little trifling gifts.

4 thoughts on “Living with madness

  1. dotdwyer

    What ? He’s buying you presents AND he’s willing to have sex with you ? Sweet Jesus ! Maybe it’s Karma! Maybe you did something truly amazing in a previous life. Come on ! It’s your birthday ! Maybe he’s guilty he’s not buying you jewelry !!!!

  2. Cliff

    What would life in the US of A be without excess. Greed is good, eh Gekko? Hated that qoute then…hate it now.

    Anyway Dave, speaking of England, I’m still reeling from my failed UK toothpaste distribution deal. What was I thinking?

    Perhaps my France-based, “I heart The USA” tee shirts franchise will take off.



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