Longing and working in cyberland

Playing with computers very much today. I’m getting a kick out of Baratunde’s Clinton Attacks on Obama wiki, mentioned here, possibly adding an air of legitimacy.

I’m biting my nails and wringing my hands and starting to yank out a few strands of hair over here. If Hillary keeps the undercurrent of negative shit (with the finesse of probable deniability, naturally), I see nothing good coming out of it. If she wins, it’s a personal gain at the expense of the party (which I think is supposed to get all unified and shit to win the presidency. I mean last I checked that was the goal.) If she loses, she’s laid a nice foundation for the GOP machinery to Swiftboat the shit out of Obama.

If I wanted an eat your own, win at all costs president, I would have voted for GW at least once. Hopeless, I know, but can we go back to some pre-Bill and pre-Rove kind of old-fashioned, old school campaigning without the throat-cutting nastiness?

Back to the world of computers, I’m obsessing on the possibility of technology. Sick. As usual, I lugged my laptop on my shoulder when I headed back to Boston. (Pretty much, if I don’t have instant access to a computer and at least one or three gadgets at arms length, I start to hyperventilate into a full-blown panic attack.) By the time I landed back at San Francisco airport I was just tired of the dead weight.

(How the fuck do people have children who need to be carried everywhere for like years after birth? I love my computer and that was 5-6 pounds of annoying after a while and it doesn’t cry or shit.)

We’re facing the 11+ hours to land in Tokyo, followed by the 7-8 hours to Singapore, so I’ll needs me some computing, I think. On top of that, we’ll be gone during Super Tuesday, so I’ll be looking for a CNN.com fix to my political junkie sick. Twenty hours back and forth and two weeks on the ground, I can’t imagine not having my ‘puter. I’m dreading the 5-pounds of connection digging into my shoulder and crowding out my extra bottle of water jamming up against my toes for thousands and thousands of miles, though.

Rumor has it all over the intertubes that Steve Jobs will be bringing out an ultraportable laptop at half the weight. How fucking awesome would that be? How much greater would that be if it were available with a quick swipe of plastic BEFORE I get on a jet again?

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3 thoughts on “Longing and working in cyberland

  1. evad

    u aint seen the ultra thin teardrop profile yet
    you are jet lagged to fuck girl

    it will have a 4 second batterylife and be the standard apple last years toy

    Nats sold out to HP she’s got given the latest mini offering from then £2000 quids worth in the shops
    it fits nicely into a petite bag and weighs 3/5ths of fuck all

    trouble with it is its screen is still the same resolution so the text is 3/5ths smaller
    so she cant see fuck all much so much for technology
    i do kinda like the fact she can literaly work anywhere in the world
    we got a mobile broadband card for £20 a month so she can sit n type n doo her work shit and give me grief anywhere in europe
    doesnt mean i dont miss her
    just means i dont get the £200 a month cell phone bill
    anyway ive been following the merican politics and as far as i can see you is gonna have a first anywhich way
    for a president

    1 ) the first black guy
    2) the first woman
    3) the first hick

    makes a change from the first actor n the first idiot the first adulterer and the first idiots spawn

    do take care out in the orient
    there economys just doing dandy and i need it to stay that way so dont start any wars or stuff or i might have to cancell my retirement
    luv n hugs
    and ill ask you out when i come over
    M as well
    i might even bring you some jam


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