Loving dumb shit

Someone told me a great story today. It’s not my story, it’s also sensitive to that which pays my bills. So, it ain’t my place to tell.

However, I will comment — I fucking love how stupid people are.

I have a hope, a deep-seated, comfortable and sure sense in my guts. I know that the sun will continue to rise and set. There will be wars. There will be love. Babies will be born, and all of us shall pass from this mortal coil.

These things I know. And, I know one more thing. No matter what utter stupid falls into your lap, caresses you with its wonderful improbability, no matter what, someone will top it. Or bottom it, I guess.

It’s the stuff of dreams, really. It’s knowing that every forehead-slapping “D’oh” has a better trainwreck waiting around it’s corner.

People are crude and dumb and unknowable. Fucking idiots. I love that.

2 thoughts on “Loving dumb shit

  1. dvae see its spelt wrong

    aww walk the world in wonder girl
    just smile and go with the flow
    love and kisses
    turn on tune in drop out wastn that the way to go in OUR (silly cunt generation ) ive been away im back
    XXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxfor the moist bits


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