Loving me some Bill and some pretty parasols

Yay Bill Clinton for telling Chris Wallace to wipe off his smirk.  I mean wipe his smirk off his face.

Guess what righties, no matter how much you wanna will it, 9/11 wasn't BC's fault.  It sucked, American foreign policy sucks, a hefty chunk of the world hates our American guts.  Bill failed on some shit, but like he said at least some of the time, he tried.

Now, brush-clearing rancher George has absolutely made everything suck worse.  Way worse.  It's no longer about Al Qaeda, Bin Laden, who may be dead now anyway, and the Taliban.  We're fucking around in a country where none of those things were ever, fucking never, ever in play.

So, red-faced, finger-waggin' or any other descriptors for Mr. Cllinton, rock on for yelling back.

On a lighter note, this year's Folsom Street Fair.  It's so not like things in Boston/Cambridge, words fail.  I think this pic is, if not a thousand words, a solid buck fifty.

Folsom St

I'm planning to jam some more pics here, before sleepy time. 

Talk with me. Please.

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