Maybe it's personal, maybe not

You know what has bugged the crap out of me for a while now, ever since I signed an email petition against the defense of marriage act bullshit? The emails I get from the organization behind it. Not because I am anti-gay rights. I am very much in favor of gays and their rights. You know, some of my best friends are queer. No, for real, not like radical chic friends, but really real friends. And they is gay. Mighty, mighty gay. Flamining even. OK, not that flaming, but still and all, gay.

What pisses me off is the organizations name: Human Rights Campaign. I think freedom and the right to love and be with whoever you choose, very, very important. Vitally important. BUT, when I think “human rights campaign” I think crippling third world poverty, torture, maiming, genital mutilation, death, starvation and more torture. Serious shit for people who probably won’t live past 10 years old or with all of their limbs and organs attached, let alone get married, let alone get to choose who they will marry, let alone worry about their sexuality.

Gay marriage is important. But for fuck’s sake, compared to shit getting blown up all over the Middle East and our own religious fanatical wingnut Commander in Chief and the erosion of civil liberties for every single last one of us regardless of race, creed, color, gender or sexual identity, it’s a fucking indulgence. Very first world self important. Human Rights Campaign, my ass.

By the way, in the interest of full disclosure. I have been aching to comment on the self-involved, self-indulgence of this organization and it’s name for eons. However, I was sent the link to the organization and their petition by a co-worker, and felt guilty about not joining in on an issue he thinks is all important.

By the way, his sending the link to me at all was an absolute and DIRECT violation of work policy forbidding any kind of political proselytizing using company email. But, I guess he’s immune to directly violating a written policy. Must be some kind of antibody. While I, on the other hand, am getting my sweet ass fired for a policy they ain’t even written yet. Fuck me, I guess.

Talk with me. Please.

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