We’re in the lovely Singapore airport. I might move to the Singapore airport, since all of my needs can be met here. I showered. I had a cup of tea, an English cucumber, mini, crusts-cut-off sandwich and a bit of pound cake. I have the Internet. And, M.’s with me. Yeah, I’m moving to the airport.
The napping space we hired didn’t really work for either one of us, so a move to the airport will entail some insomniacal pacing the terminals. You can’t expect everything.
Didn’t realize the itinerary included a stop in Seoul, Korea. As photos that will eventually be uploaded attest, the most outstanding feature of the Seoul airport to me was a Dunkin’ Donuts. Sadly, without the local currency and the desire to have no more caffeine to increase the likelihood of rest, I passed on a cup of DD joe.
I had not seen one since I got in my car last March, bought an extra large and headed west. DD has not, as far as I know, crossed the Rocky Mountains in the U.S. of A. You definitely cannot find a Dunkin’ Donuts anywhere in the Bay Area, and there few comparable-style donuts. I brought their beans to my sister in Wyoming once. Still and all, they’ve made it to South Korea.
The start of the trip was auspicious. I hired a limo company that does work with my employer to get a mildly discounted, sleek ride to the airport. We scored the three seats in a row for just us two on an almost completely full plane.
Other than that, still having not made it to our destination and having lost a day, I can only say, Asia is way the fuck faraway from North America.
Do you want me to Fedex some Dunkin Donuts to you in Malaysia ? Oh, and, the Fresh Pond Cinema closed , here on the East Coast. I just thought you’d want to know. (not really. But it mattered to me!)