I think one of my problems in life is that I appear to like people. This morning I couldn’t get away from friendliness.
At the busstop and on the bus, I had to talk with Sammy, my neighbor. He’s a nice older man, who tells me I’m “smart” and “strong,” which isn’t bad to hear. The other day he told me I should run for city council, because my talking is like a speech (or something like that). But, he’s kind of a simple guy, and I’m in the middle of listening to Al Franken’s Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them. Frankly, (no pun intended) Franken ripping on the right is much more interesting than hearing a 65-year-old Jamaican man complain that his wife was supposed to decorate the Christmas tree last night, but then “she just sat down.” OK, it’s a little interesting to hear a 65-year-old Jamaican man bitch about his wife, but not before I’ve had my coffee.
Then, at Dunkin’ Donuts I saw my new friend, who one morning asked me where I work and then asked me if I knew any of the people she knows who work there. Lately, I’ve been seeing her everywhere, including places out of context of Dunkin’ Donuts. She knows me. She knows I like an extra large with skim milk and no sugar. And, she knows that sometimes I buy a ‘donut’ and sometimes I don’t. She knows me.
Walking in to work, through the food court and the various buildings, was a gauntlet of various “hey, how you doing?” greetings, including the man who parks on the same Brookline street (illegally) as I do.
What all of these people have in common is that they don’t seem to realize that I am actually a miserable wretch of a human being. I misanthropically would rather give a perfunctory “fuck you” than feign all of this courtesy.
That’s it. Today is “Fuck You” day. Or, maybe I should plan that for tomorrow, since there’s going to be a baby shower for a woman in our office.
Yeah, from now on I’m a shark, a human battering ram, a bull, who just passes through roughly and moves on. Of course, I probably wouldn’t get to hear as many good stories that way. But, fuck it, I’ll make up my own.
I think it’s time to bring this website back into the public eye of my website (OK, it’s more like the invisible, unseeing, unknowing eye of private darkness). In honor of the baby shower tomorrow, more rants. I also found this page in the same vein.
FUCK you!
Hey Paul,
Fuck you, too.
Thanks for being my first.