Damn, had I had my head on straight a few months back, I would have said “See ya later, boy” to M. and moved to D.C. instead of Cali. My new career aspiration is to become a piece of deadwood floating among the stream of political hacks unleashed by the current Whitehouse.
Jesus fucking Christ are there any more bullet-proof jobs in the world right now than getting a Bush appointment? “Brownie” wasn’t fired, he was just dragged back to Washington, DC because of all the pressing emergencies to manage there. For a minute, I almost gave GW a little credit, thinking he might have been being sarcastic with the “You’re doing a heck of a job, Brownie.”
Alas, no, apparently GWB is the one man in the country finding management skill in the person of Michael Brown.
Shit, I ain’t never been responsible for a whole city and fucked it up enough to let snipers, looters and dead bodies pile up. Nonetheless, I’ve had my ass hauled into Human Resources. But, if I had a sweet, sweet ride like a Bush appointment, I could probably fire at will and get away with it.
Michael Brown and Karl Rove, remember him, the guy who teetered on treason by revealing the name of a CIA operative, anyway, those two are probably hoisting a Glenfiddich, or whatever the power elite drink, patting each other on the back and smiling over their Teflon coats.
By the way, between Jeff Gannon and Michael Brown it begs the question, does anyone vet resumes that pass through the executive branch? My resume was thoroughly checked, and I’m filing papers for people who might get to take a meeting with politicians a degree of separation from the Whitehouse. But, they get to walk right through the secure doors of power with a paper of lies, a wink and some fawning.
Shee-it, Mugabe’s government seems less corrupt and the Egyptian elections more authentic.