Mixed feelings

With one phone call, I may have just lost my rights to whine and play “Woe is me.”

At the end of the past week, I was bemoaning how no one seemed to be contacting me back from the passel of Craig’s List job postings I answered. I figured since I was mostly responding to only ads for which I was actually qualified and I have in truth spent the last decade or two grinding away getting those qualifications, someone should nibble on my inquiries. Sweat was starting to bead over the silence and underwhelming interest.

However, today, the old streak might be ending and a new one, swollen with employment possibilities may have begun.

At moments of weakness and fear, I have contemplated the wisdom of chucking away completely a 15-year career. Sure it sucked and all, and some of the key players made me feel shittier about myself than years of dickhead boyfriends, but, you know, it was like a job that I could, like, do.

The people who have gotten back to me could be the ultimate antidote to waffling between doing a bit of what I used to and turning my back completely — Consulting at a good pay for part-time hours. Maybe a little bit of grants work wouldn’t kill me.

If everything I’ve learned in the ivy halls could buy me enough time to, I dunno write and shit, maybe it could work. At least until the interview, a chick can dream.

Talk with me. Please.

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