Don’t know whether it is a cold or allergies, but I am a phlegm-producing zombie. Haven’t really fallen asleep, so I’m suspecting allergies. But, I feel unusually shitty, so that’s a vote for cold.
I need to OD on Benadryl on the plane on Saturday. I’ll have to look on the Physician’s Desk Reference on-line at work to check what dosage could be dangerous. Actually, it would have to be pretty fucking high, since they use IV drips for extreme reactions.
This post may be the most boring yet. Worse, I will add a little syrup: Even though we had already spoken, my honey called to check on how I was feeling, because I’m alone and sick and being alone and sick sucks. I threatened to write about it. Now I did.
OK. I have officially entered the sixth grade and this shit is my diary with the little metal lock. Sad.