Moral question of the day

I’m a member in good standing of  A fabulous source for audiobooks it is too.

So, I have a number of books I can download from my membership.  I was just listening to samples of Ann Fucking Coulter’s books.

Did you know that you can buy many of them as read by the psycho facist herself or by a narrator?  The versions by herself are the cheaper ones.   My guess is even her publishers realize her windbaggedness grates at best after a while.

Anyway, I was thinking I could download one copy and podcast and whatnot that mother fucker to all sorts of lefty corners of the universe.  Remember Abbie Hoffman and “Steal This Book?”

Wouldn’t the cease and desist letter I got eventually be suitable for framing?

By the way, from the sample I learned that as a liberal, I am a Druid and am afraid of science.  Who knew?

3 thoughts on “Moral question of the day

  1. dot dwyer

    I don’t want to listen to her crap. I don’t want any lawyers making money off her crap. I heard on one of the cable news shows that she lifted whole parts of her book from other sources without giving credit. I am shocked. SHOCKED ! Not really. She’s not Howard Stern, after all . . .

  2. Dee-Rob

    Oh, sure, I wouldn’t actually want any to listen to her. Just pass around the audiobook sufficiently to damage sales. (Or at least feel like it.)

    In my ideal, she would be as financially bankrupt as she is morally and ethically.

    On a lighter note to this comment. I read Dot’s comment via an email my site sends me. I got it and thought she was complaining about something in this post that I wrote the other day. One of the performers I hightlighted is a woman and a lawyer. I thought Dot hated her so much just by virtue of one video clip.

    Then, I remembered what else I wrote.

  3. dvae see its spelt wrong

    Druid hey
    ive got this huge stone circle down the road
    i can sort out some lights
    you could pop over n do this gig
    and lift a couple of the saracens back in place
    as it looks a mess


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