Moral relativism?

Is this an example of two wrongs not really making anything?

Last night, I’m driving down Prospect onto Mass Ave right when a big wave of rain started pelting. A dude on Mass Ave getting ready to cross Prospect picked up his pace and jogged into the street. Right then the light changed to green and the car in front of me started moving into a left turn. (I can’t remember if you can turn left onto Mass Ave from Prospect; I know it is illegal to take a left from Mass Ave to Prospect.)

So, on a dark and rainy night, the pedestrian speeding up because of the rain and the car driver concentrating on the light having just changed both ended up occupying damn near the same space. The walker was bullshit at the car for moving into the crosswalk at all, judging by his gesticulations and his next move. Suddenly, oblivious to the pouring rain, he just planted himself in front of the car and shook angry fists.

This seemed to amuse the car’s occupants, because they were visibly laughing and smiling, and though they had stopped completely it looked like they might start inching forward just for the giggle.

The now enraged pedestrian took the fast-food container in his hands and whipped it at the car with much indignant force and ran off into the wet and the night. The car just rolled on through.

Sadly for me, watching this tiny movie from the safe distance of my car, there wasn’t any food in the container to creat a satisfying splat. An empty and smashed container just dropped to the pavement.

The most righteously angry pedestrian had littered.

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