More pictures from a typical weekend

My trek to California has been one exciting adventure after another. A smorgasbord of trying new things.

Today’s chapter is called “Gun Show.” These fine people, apparently named Russ and Sallie, got some space at the San Jose Fairgrounds. Having never been to a gun show and seeing the obnoxious orange signs hung around power poles all over town, we figured what the hell. Perhaps we could learn something beyond snide condescension.
Nah, fuck that bullshit. I live for snide condescension.

I totally dug this sign out front, because I think you can never be reminded too many times. [image:3856:l] Sadly, the camera wasn’t allowed past that point. In fact, there was some threatening notice about confiscating cell phones with cameras. Gun yahoos must be shy.

There was also some notice about wounding people who violated some rule, but I can only remember the part about wounding. I thought about taking a picture, but wounds scare me.

It cost $8 to get into what basically amounted to a really shitty craft sale/flea market with guns. I could have got in for free, if I stopped by and joined at the NRA table out front. I thought about it long and hard, ‘cuz this gal loves a bargain. (I’m a “gal” when I’m with my gun-toting peeps.)

But, then I remembered two things: (1) I would have to pay membership dues, so bargain evaporated and (2) they are the fucking N R FUCKING A. I mean, I loved, loved, loved the Planet of the Apes and would have jumped Taylor faster than either the mute chick or Zira, but fucking get real. Shit, I dodged that bullet and passed the NRA table by.

Here’s the NRA dudes’ table:[image:3855:l]

Later, we did our usual shit and ended up hiking around Stanford’s dish. After admiring military surplus, including some Nazi SS patches…(Note to gun show type folks, every time someone sells neato, cool Nazi paraphenalia at one of your shows, your case is weakened.) …I made M. drop and give me 50.[image:3866:l][newline] Truth be told, he just does that shit out on the street every now and again.

Oh, another note to the gun folks, ix-nay on the u-Klux-Klan-Kay. There was a big, framed movie poster that actually would be pretty awesome for a film student or whatnot to have. It was D.W. Griffith’s Birth of a Nation. Only, the image was of a hooded figure on horseback. Was it history, or was it nostalgia that brought it out to the gun show?

Here’s my fave pic of the day:

[image:3870:l] [newline]

Runner-up would be this poor little tail-less fella.[image:3874:l]

One thought on “More pictures from a typical weekend

  1. dvae see its spelt wrong

    well done that girl
    now all you need to do is convince the rest your merican brothers and sisters to boycot the NRA and guess what it wont exist
    tis a nice thought but it aint ever gonna happen
    as for the comedey stuff
    theres a new how to be a stand up training cource in Spain ( not that i think you need it ) and guess what they do the whole comedey Poo thingy
    and how to deal with it
    i guess everyone shits themselves before looking a twat in front of others
    XXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxx vdae


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