It is right now taking all of my strength not to cross post to my favorite group of Catholic do-gooders, worrying and worrying and praying for the souls of what one calls the “Sodomy State.”
The best comment: “Between this and the abortion laws we no longer are a Christian nation.”
Amen to that sister, and bring on the anarchy, if that’s what it is. Because, a world with kindness, acceptance and FUCKING REASON is damn better than what your church has brought.
Meanwhile, I have to chuckle at the two sides of one aspect of this coin. I wrote below that the folks getting married are some of the more low-key, average folks in the scene (a scene, I might add where I actually know some people and call them friends). I think of the man I work with who likes college football and home-cooked meals. There is nothing flamboyant or threatening about the man, and he is one of the faces people have seen in the media. He’s front and foremost at the protests and in City Hall, because he wants to be there, not because his face is media friendly. He happily emailed me that he and his partner were #10 at Boston City Hall, while asking to confirm my address and boyfriend’s name for the invite.
However, on the flip side, one of the ardent Catholics makes a remark that the media is essentially hiding the freaks and putting the normal-looking people forward (and I am using the word “normal” to follow the suit of the moralists). Apparently, to this one guy, the leather boys will all be lining up soon (or already are), but the media ain’t taking their pictures, because they are spinning reality.
I guess that hidden line is because that even amongst us most sick and twisted folks marriage is the cool thing to do. Funny, most of the truly out-there freaks, leather boys and teddies I ever met weren’t what you would call the “marrying kind.”
who is us?
You mean “us most sick and twisted,” don’t you? Why me, of course, but I’m guessing you don’t think you, so I’ll leave you out of “us” with some serious reservations…
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
HA HA HA HA HA I know *exactly* which blog you’re referring to. It’s very sad, in an infuriating sort of way, that minds can be so closed.
I’m so tempted to say “well, why don’t you all move to the Vatican if you want a theocracy so bad?”
Hey, Good to see some fellow travelers out there.
And, judging by the way some of them act, even if they had a house in Rome where the only view was the pope on his balcony, they would find a reason to bitch that he’s not pope-y enough.
Oops, I meant to write, “judging by what they write.” Didn’t mean it to sound quite as judgmental afterall, lest the small-minded terrorists have won.