Before George W. started executing the retards, Texas had a governor that was an amazing, tough, old broad. And, yeah, I likes the word "broad" when it tells you something about the woman.
Platinum, brassy, brass-balled, funny and with some road tread for sure on some wheels that had gone round a few blocks more than most.
R.I.P. Ann Richardson, had you still been governor, I wouldn't have driven hard through the panhandle eager to spend the shortest time possible crossing your state.
[newline] [newline]From:
im all for the brazen lady in charge i still think maggie Thatcher was the best world leader ever
but why oh why do they all insist on sitting on motorbikes especialy shiney custom ones that have never been ridden is it a penis envy thing or mybe they want a bigger clit
by the way i view the whole car \ gun \ trophy wife ownership thing as a i want a bigger dick realy sindrome
aww well only a few more weeks and we get a new tone\dubya partnership to make us madder
have fun with the flies
I thought you might pay tribute to Richards today…
… she ranks right up there with Margaret Chase Smith
sorry… can’t type and chew gum at the same time… Richardson.
It’s a shame that more young women know about Anna Nicole Smith than the lovely Ms. Richardson.
In a day where brains and power meant more than being “hot” and rich with a reality show… well you know.
Were Texans once open minded?
Yup, Liz, had to do it. Ann, we hardly knew ye.
Dvae, Thatcher? You got to be shitting me. Might as well give the award of best old road to Marie Antoinette.
And, Freem, I still got hope. It’s only a matter of time before the wheel reverses. Look at it this way, you can bang the retard model, but eventually you’re gonna get tired of waking up to her. Maybe reruns of Ann saying “he was born with a silver foot in his mouth,” will catch some young chick’s imagination.
Then again, I believe the midterm elections might show us a brave new world.