I worked on a website, I talked on the phone, I scrubbed my, I hope to sell, couch (why the fuck did I ever think I could own white furniture?), but I haven’t packed as much as I should have by now. (Although, I have packed most of my dishes. Then, I broke the small plate I had set aside as my single cup, plate, saucer place-setting meant to hold me for the next couple of weeks.)
I also sent out a massive email inviting people to any of my final festivities. It’s pretty un-fucking-characteristic of me to contact ~80 people at once. My insecure nature tells me that about 0.01 % of that number would actually opt to hang with me. Probably not true, but, alas, my natural thought.
So, yeah, to review: Feb 24, Braintree Show; March 2, I continue to age; March 3, M. continues to age; March 3, My last Cambridge show; March 4, My party for myself (I don’t think I have ever had one of those) and I HOPE, HOPE, HOPE, I am behind the wheel on March 6.
If you have been trying to read this shit and have been having problems, please let me know. I’m aiming to punch my hosting service. My email has been slightly whacked and pages haven’t been loading. Now yesterday/today my statistics indicate no visitors, but comments (including SPAM) say otherwise.
GRRR. Fucking technology.