News and turning to the world of sports

Last night was pretty fucking fun. My first ever major league baseball game in a place that was not Fenway Park. Nope, we were seated in Oakland’s McAfee Coliseum watching the A’s eventually beat the Red Sox. Sadly, we lost, but it was an 11inning game, and fun to watch.

It was M.’s first ever major league event. Not sure if he was more impressed by the roar of the crowd or the available barbecue.

Fucking Red Sox, though, are now two games down in this series with the A’s. It’s probably because I’m paying attention.

In news, I just want to congratulate Fox News on it’s ability to confuse older, African American congressman. Way to fucking go on that tape run, I know that the upstanding Representative Conyers, who ain’t been indicted, really digs your sense of humor.

Better yet, seems kind of poetic that they’ve wasted no time in selling a “junior member of our library staff” down the river.

Also, speaking of being sold down the river, gotta give a big old shout out to Scooter Libby. I’m sure President Bush will feel just terrible when the iron doors lockdown Scooter’s life. Maybe Paris Hilton can give him some tips on doing time.

As much as our current government sucks major and proverbial ass, a little bit of a side note that’s actually on the serious side. The world is a fucked up place, and maybe on account of our president’s ludicrous sense of foreign relations, it ain’t getting nicer in some garden spots.

Through the day job, I heard about this man and this website. Please take a look and maybe sign the petition and think about Tehran in 2007.

Talk with me. Please.

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